
Founded 1972

President: vacant • Chairman: Mary Boorman • Treasurer & Membership Sec. Alan Humphrey • Honey Rep. Phil Laimbeer • Show Sec. Oliver Boorman-Humphrey

Future Shows & Events Calendar

Tue 30 Jul 2024

Visit to Stonelynk Organics, Fairlight

Battery Hill, Fairlight, Hastings TN35 4EA

The society has arranged a visit to Stonelynk Organics. Meet at the site for 2:30pm.

Stonelynk Organics is a commercial organic vegetable garden in Fairlight. They farm according to organic principles and are certified organic by the Soil Association, the UK's largest organic certification body. More details about their work can be found on their website stonelynkorganics.com.

The visit will be free to members of the society, or £3 for non-members. All welcome.

Sat 21 Sep 2024

Autumn Flower Show

Crowhurst Village Hall

Our final flower show of the year. The show is open to public from 2pm and admission is free

With over 70 classes, we welcome entries into the show from everyone! Schedules will be available to download from our Downloads page from August. Hard-copies of the schedules are also available within the Village.

Entries can be made online or using the form provided in the schedule.

Wed 2 Oct 2024

Annual General Meeting

Mantel Farm, Henley Down

Everyone is welcome to our annual general meeting! Get involved and have your say on the future of the society. Meeting starts at 7:15pm.

Actively seeking new ideas, committee members and helpers to keep the society going into the future. Your Society Needs YOU!

Sat 26 Oct 2024

Jumble Sale

Crowhurst Village Hall

More details to follow. Please check back nearer the time.

Sat 15 Feb 2025

Jumble Sale

Crowhurst Village Hall

More details to follow. Please check back nearer the time.

Sat 15 Mar 2025

Spring Flower Show

Crowhurst Village Hall

More details to follow. Please check back nearer the time.