
Founded 1972

President: vacant • Chairman: Mary Boorman • Treasurer & Membership Sec. Alan Humphrey • Honey Rep. Fern Burgess • Show Sec. Oliver Boorman-Humphrey


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Sun 20 Oct 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hi there

Just a short reminder that we are holding our Jumble Sale this coming Saturday at the village hall 26th October Doors open 09.30. 50p entry

Donations very welcome at the hall, accepted on the morning from 8am

Plants and apples for sale and light refreshments available

If you need saleable items collected to donate please call Alan to arrange this week thanks NO LARGE ITEMS PLEASE

See you there we hope

Thank you all

Mary B

ps there will be limited parking at the hall apparently as scaffold will be there to enable workmen to repair the hall roof at half-term so pls park in the roadway

Thu 10 Oct 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello to you all

Hoping the weather will improve after such a wet week and you are all well

Just sharing that we have just recd. a kind invitation to dress a Christmas Tree at St George's church alongside all other local organisations over the weekend of 7th & 8th December when they are having a " Christmas Tree Festival"

If there are any member/s who would like to dress a tree for our society pls. be in touch with us ; as at the moment Alan and I had plans to be away that weekend as it is over my Birthday weekend !

If anyone can help can you please be in touch with myself via the e-mail mary@crowhursthorticultural.org.uk or Alan on 07870525441

We can supply an artificial tree and decs. if required

Please confirm asap; if happy to support this and to dress a tree , as the church require confirmation asap

Thank you very much

Kind Regards

Mary B x

ps please remember we have our Jumble Sale 26th October

Thank you meanwhile enjoy the colours and marvels of the Autumn season as these wonderful fungi highlight ! Love them x

Mary B x

Mon 7 Oct 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello Everyone

Hoping this finds you well The weather is poor just now however sadly, so it is becoming harder to do much out in our gardens, as the days shorten also. It is the time however when possible to tidy the garden, cut hedges, plant bulbs indoors and outside and wait for them to "pop up" in the Spring which will be so welcome. Also "rescue" any Geranium plants and other tender plants and take cuttings, and move them perhaps to a greenhouse if you have one for protection from frosts

We held our AGM last week, but sadly only a few people attended

We had the talk as planned after and it was kind of Kerry and Jason to host us at their lovely farm Thank you to those who attended

Phil Laimbeer resigned from his role as our Honey rep, but Fern and Graham Burgess are happy to take over this role so we welcome them into

the society ( Oliver will be amending our header here shortly) Thank you Phil for your support last year.

We are holding our Autumn Jumble Sale on 26th October at the village hall 50p entry and and we look forward to receiving your donations in the morning of the sale from 8am For those that require collection of donations Alan will be available to organise this just the week before as we have no storage

We will be planning outside visits and talks for next year soon and would value ideas from you all about where you would like to go and any talks The visits will need to be quite local, as we will be going by our own cars/ sharing Please let me have your ideas thank you.

I have attached a Poster of the Bohemia Walled garden in st Leonards who have an open day on 27th October All are welcome FREE entry

It is a small community garden and refreshments will be on hand.

I will keep you posted as we plan more for year ahead but we will be unable to hold the Christmas Quiz this year, but hope to plan a social evening for members nearer the season to enjoy so watch this space

Thank you

Alan says that this years subs are due please at just £5 per year if you wish to continue to be a member

Thank you all

Kind Regards

Mary B

Sun 29 Sep 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello there

Hope you are all well

Lets welcome this pretty colourful season together

Just a last call to remind you all about our society AGM which is to be held at Mantel Farm Henley Down this coming Wednesday 2nd October at 7.15 Prompt start please

There will be light refreshments and a talk after the meeting from Jaqueline about the" Cultivation and History of Nuts from around the world" Should be a fun evening and we so look forward to seeing you there

Call or text Alan if you have any enquiries please 07870525441

It would also help us to know how many people may attend so pls kindly confirm your attendance if you hope to attend

Thank you



Wed 25 Sep 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello Again

Just to tell you all know that the pretty community walled garden at Bohemia (behind the Police Station and near the Summerfield's wood) will be having an Open Day on 27th October from 11am Well worth a visit Alan and I will be going They do lovely refreshments and as this Autumn there will be some links to Pumpkins with children's crafts Hope to see some of you there Details:-

Website - www.bohemia.wga.org.uk

Hope it will stop raining soon so we can get out and tidy our gardens

I am busy planting bulbs outside in the garden ,also in pots with Hyacinths to bring onto flower for Christmas

Take Care

See you at the AGM/ and Talk we hope at Mantel Farm Henley Down Nr Catsfield on 2nd October at 7.15 prompt and at the Jumble sale 26th Oct.

Thank you for your support

Mary B Chair x