
Founded 1972

President: vacant • Chairman: Mary Boorman • Treasurer & Membership Sec. Alan Humphrey • Honey Rep. Phil Laimbeer • Show Sec. Oliver Boorman-Humphrey


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Fri 19 Jul 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello to you all

What a hot day today after all the mixed wet/cold weather we have had of late It was very welcome to see sunshine, although a bit over hot for some I guess. It set to change again soon so make the most of it !

I just wanted to bring to your attention that at the Greenhouse; that we visited last year as a group - cited in Alexandra Park Hastings they are holding a Cactus and Succulent Flower show tomorrow on their site Well worth a visit if those plants interest you. www.alexandraparkgreenhousegroup PC -TN34 2EL

Also in Brightling village (between Netherfield/Burwash) they are holding a village flower and dog show, in the heart of the village tomorrow - so thought you may like to know and may go along I am hoping to pop by. I do not have a PC but it is cited in Tower Field Brightling. I am sure it will be easy to find as it is such a small village, just ask anyone you see - if hard to locate. I could not find a website - sorry

I spoilt myself today and booked to visit Sarah Raven's beautiful garden at Brightling again. I have been many times but it gets better and better, and of course is worth visiting in all seasons when they have open gardens That is the only time to see this garden.

Sarah is well know for her strong flower/veg colours and the garden is truly breath-taking. It was stunning once more and many people visited who had travelled long distances as it is so popular. It was very hot, but there was a cooling fresh breeze that came across from the High Weald; which is an area of natural outstanding beauty. On the way home I stopped off at the little village church which is so pretty, with much history It was so cool inside and enlightening. Made a great morning in an area i love very much. Try to go sometime it is so worth it !

I will try to send some photos of the garden later

Have a good weekend

Looking forward to seeing all of you who have booked to attend the Stonelynk organic garden on the 30th.

Please car share if possible as there is limited parking, and please bring along a drink as they are unable to provide refreshments for us sadly

We have a full house for this visit now; which is great as we have members of the Bexhill Garden club joining us which made up much space we still had to full if poss. Will be nice to meet them also.

Fri 12 Jul 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hi there

Just to say the photos of the beautiful white garden at Sissinghurst Castle/Gardens NT property - taken by Sue B are now on the website This trip was organised kindly by Sue Bastin and other members. It was one of the hottest days of the year but by all accounts it was enjoyed by all that. Thanks Sue B.

We still have a few spaces for the visit to Stonelynk organic garden Battery Hill at Fairlight on 30/7/24 @ 2.30 PC TN35 4EA

www.stonelynkorganics.com Let us know asap if you would like to also come along as I need to confirm numbers to the garden this week Best to text or call Alan on 07870525441

Thanks to all of you who have already confirmed Look forward to a great visit Looking forward to this new site - I have not yet seen it but Sue L says it is great as her friends have been there before

Thanks and Best Wishes

Mary B and all CDH

Mon 8 Jul 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello to you all; sorry the rain keeps arriving - we so need sunshine please ! Our gardens keep suffering along with us - what a great pity!

Please could you let me know if any of you would like to come with us to visit the Stonelynk organics gardens at Battery Hill Fairlight TN35 4EA on 30th July 2.30pm Meet there and FREE for members and just £3 for visitors ALL WELCOME - Website is - www.stonelynkorganics.com

I do require to confirm who is coming this week and would me grateful to hear from you asap

Thanks very much. Sadly they cannot provide any refreshments here so please bring your own especially if it is a hot week.

Look forward to hear from you

Mary B

Text Alan or call on 07870525441

Wed 3 Jul 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello Everyone

I am very sorry and saddened to report to you all that Sue and Dave Bastin have cancelled the Open Garden/Seed/Plant swap which was due to occur on 16th July

Please note this in your diary

I had drafted this newsletter to send out to you all yesterday afternoon alongside the detail on the website that Oliver completed but for some reason it did not go out as planned then - I apologise I was sure it had sent

Hoping for safe arrival this time

Kind Regards

Mary B

Tue 2 Jul 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello all

Just noticed this event by Catsfield Horticultural Society in July which i feel would be useful for those who enter any flower shows inc.ours.

Their society are offering a talk from the judges they use, with tips for a great show entries and could be useful for new entrants and a refresher for those who have entered before to update.

The talk takes place on 11th July at Catsfield village hall from 7pm - 9pm and is Free to Catsfield horti. members and just £2.50 for visitors on the door who they welcome.

The specific judges they have speaking are a WI Baking and Home Produce judge called Avril ( who we use also a very lovely lady ) A Vegetable and produce judge and they offer the theme for this talk for the evening as we can

"Learn the secrets to what makes a good show entry"

Just sharing for you all

Hope all is well for you all and enjoy if you attend!

Mary B