
Founded 1972

President: vacant • Chairman: Mary Boorman • Treasurer & Membership Sec. Alan Humphrey • Honey Rep. Fern Burgess • Show Sec. Oliver Boorman-Humphrey


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Fri 3 Jan 2025

CDHS e-Newsletter


Keep Well and Warm The weather has certainly changed just now! Hoping you all had enjoyable festivities.

Lets hope this year will be a better growing year and that you will join us and enjoy the many visits and talks we are arranging. I am just waiting for confirmation of dates and have chased these up again today, and as soon as we have them confirmed we will inform you at once

We will be including a wonderful tour and talk at Ashburnham Place - local to us just at Ashburnham - a wonderful place which also has a lovely Orangery to enjoy tasty light meals and drinks after the talk. This serves to be a really great trip as it is such a beautiful place. Date TBC .Free to members £3 to non-members

There are several other sites to visit also and talks that will be offered to you all Something great to look forward to.

Our first confirmed event is the first Jumble Sale of the year to be held on February22nd - doors open at 9.30 - to be held at the village hall Donations of saleable items pls. required on the morning at the hall or Alan can arrange collection the week of the sale only ( as we have no storage place) We will also require helpers to sort and sell please.

The Spring Flower show is to be held at the village hall on 15th March -Oliver will process the schedule in late January in good time for you to peruse and see what you could enter, which will include photos, crafts, childrens,preserves and cookery as well as flowers and plants of course.

Help us to make 2025 a very happy year

Thank you all for your ongoing supports

Mary B and all

Sat 21 Dec 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

On this day; the shortest day of the year!

We wish you all very much happiness for this Christmas and New Year season

Enjoy all and lets hope next year will be a better growing year for us all

Thank you for your support

All Best Wishes and Kind Regards

Mary B, Alan, Oliver and Fern x

Fri 22 Nov 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello all of you

Hoping you are not finding this cold spell too hard. It suddenly changed after a lovely bright early November which is hard to adjust to now.

Had a few lovely walks lately and enjoyed the beautiful colours of the trees - stunning this year as they slowly fell but have almost completed now and I loved the pretty carpets of leaves as they laid. The annoying bit is clearing them up in the garden, and keeping paths clear but they help composting our plants so all have their purpose and waste not want not !

I have planned a couple of Garden visits for next year - fairly local but dates as yet are to be agreed but hopefully they will confirm dates I have requested which will be in warmer times and I will let you know when they are fully confirmed Members will go free as usual, as the society will pay for those from funds, but all are welcome to attend but we will be charging a small fee for them Travelling by car will be the plan

Meanwhile have been trying to plan a Christmas meet-up/social for members

I have come up with the idea of going to the White Hart in Catsfield on their Curry nights. They have these on a Monday evening and the society would pay for the meal and one drink for members only but if friends/partners wish to come along also they would require to pay £10 each pls.)

Please let me know what you think asap as I require numbers to book it.

I would ideally like to arrange this for 23rd December (as Oliver can then be will us -as he misses so many of our events) But if that does not suit the 9th Dec.or16th Dec can be arranged


Thank you and keep warm take care of each other

Mary B x

Sat 26 Oct 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hello to you all

Sadly it rained again this morning, but despite this we held a lovely, busy; but fun morning at the Jumble Sale

It was a great sale and a HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who donated and purchased from us and also all you very hard working helpers

You all worked so well and clearing the donations at the start of the morning and packing at the end ran like clockwork The many donations were cleared so swiftly that we could relax a little and have a cuppa before our customers all arrived !!! Wow!

We could not have done it without all you kind assistance and time

We have only just got home so later Alan will total up the monies


Also special thanks to Phil Laimbeer who so vey kindly took all the "unsold" items for us in his van - much appreciated Phil.

Alan and I also were able to donate a few items to local charity shops who welcomed them with open arms!

The Fayre committee will be donated the many left over books for their stall at the Fayre next year Hope it helps their funds too.

After the sale Alan and I prepared the Horti. trough at the church with lovely red poppies and fresh Rosemary plants (alongside a copy of the famous poem) for this year's remembrance day on 11/11/24.

Take a look when you pass by and look out for details of the church service to support this day.

Keep in touch

Kind Regards

Mary b x

Sun 20 Oct 2024

CDHS e-Newsletter

Hi there

Just a short reminder that we are holding our Jumble Sale this coming Saturday at the village hall 26th October Doors open 09.30. 50p entry

Donations very welcome at the hall, accepted on the morning from 8am

Plants and apples for sale and light refreshments available

If you need saleable items collected to donate please call Alan to arrange this week thanks NO LARGE ITEMS PLEASE

See you there we hope

Thank you all

Mary B

ps there will be limited parking at the hall apparently as scaffold will be there to enable workmen to repair the hall roof at half-term so pls park in the roadway